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Developmental Math - Sample Units 1 (Arithmetic) & 11 (Beginning Algebra)
Sample Units
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◄ Trigonometry: Basic Concepts Teaching Tips
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Course Text
Instructor Orientation Video
Arithmetic and Intermediate Algebra: Least Common Denominator Teaching Tips
Beginning Algebra: Formulas Teaching Tips
Intermediate Algebra: Factors Teaching Tips
Geometry: Perimeter and Area Teaching Tips
Statistics: Sample Spaces Teaching Tips
Trigonometry: Basic Concepts Teaching Tips
Learning Objectives
Topic 1: Place Value and Names for Whole Numbers
Topic 2: Rounding Whole Numbers
Topic 3: Comparing Whole Numbers
Topic 1: Adding Whole Numbers and Applications
Topic 2: Subtracting Whole Numbers and Applications
Topic 3: Estimation
Topic 1: Multiplying Whole Numbers and Applications
Topic 2: Dividing Whole Numbers and Applications
Topic 1: Properties and Laws of Whole Numbers
Topic 2: The Distributive Property
Topic 1: Understanding Exponents and Square Roots
Topic 2: Order of Operations
Tutor Sim: Shopping for Office Supplies
Team Project: Open for Business
Unit 1 Glossary
Unit 1 Glossary (Spanish)
Learning Objectives
Topic 1: Exponential Notation
Topic 2: Simplify by Using the Product, Quotient, and Power Rules
Topic 3: Products and Quotients Raised to Powers
Topic 4: Scientific Notation
Topic 1: Introduction to Single Variable Polynomials
Topic 2: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Topic 3: Multiplying Polynomials
Topic 4: Multiplying Special Cases
Topic 5: Dividing by a Monomial
Topic 6: Dividing by Binomials and Polynomials
Topic 1: Simplifying and Evaluating Polynomials with More than One Term
Topic 2: Operations with Polynomials
Tutor Sim: How Big is Big?
Team Project: Looking for Patterns
Unit 11 Glossary
Unit 11 Glossary (Spanish)
Learning Objectives ►